Music Composed by Shirley Walker...
La-La Land - Limited Collector's Edition
Literally years in the making, La-La Land Records and Warner Bros. proves the wait was worth it with this amazing 4-CD set of previously unreleased music from arguably the greatest animated television series of all time, BATMAN THE ANIMATED SERIES! Produced by MV Gerhard and mastered by James Nelson, this 2nd Volume 4-CD set takes you through a treasure trove of astounding orchestral scores; music that rivals any blockbuster feature film. Composers Shirley Walker, Harvey R. Cohen, Carlos Rodriguez, Lolita Ritmanis, Michael McCuistion, Carl Swander Johnson and others are musically represented here, as well as Danny Elfman's iconic theme. The 36 page CD booklet features exclusive, in-depth liner notes from writer John Takis. Limited Edition of 3500 Units.
BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES Main Title (Danny Elfman) 1:05
Beware The Gray Ghost - Carl Swander Johnson
Beware the Gray Ghost 0:54
Simon Trent 1:47
Trent Meets Batman* / Trent Runs 1:33
He Runs But He Can't Hide* 0:36
Trent Helps Batman* 0:55
Lethal Toys* / The Ghost Saves Batman 1:25
Toy Car Chase* 0:43
Gray Ghost's Shrine / Mistaken Identity 0:46
Twisted Ted* / Up in Smoke 1:36
Bruce's Hero* 0:31
Beware The Gray Ghost - Bonus Track:
Gray Ghost Suite 1:24
The Cat And The Claw, Part I -
Harvey R. Cohen, Wayne Coster, Shirley Walker
The Catwoman (S. Walker) 4:51
Riding the Truck* (W. Coster) 1:01
Multigon International (W. Coster) 0:18
Introducing Red Claw (H. Cohen) / A Word With the Boss
(W. Coster) 0:55
Catwoman at Multigon H.Q. (S. Walker) / Cats in the Office (S. Walker) (Features "Ode to Joy" By L. Beethoven) 1:31
Batman Rescues Catwoman* (H. Cohen) / Lovers or Enemies (W. Coster) 3:33
Who Will Save You? 0:30
The Cat And The Claw, Part II - Harvey R. Cohen
The Cat and the Claw 0:44
The Train* 1:59
Bruce Wayne's Chaperone / A Bumpy Ride 1:57
Alley Cat* / Catwoman Strikes* 3:30
Bat Draft* 2:14
The Fallen Resort* 0:57
More Than You'll Ever Know* 0:46
The Cat And The Claw - Bonus Tracks:
String Quartet (W. Coster) 1:01
Ode to Joy (Composed By L. Beethoven;
Arranged by Shirley Walker) 0:10
Introducing Red Claw (Alternate) (H. Cohen) 0:39
Ode to Joy Alternates (Composed By L. Beethoven;
Arranged By Shirley Walker) 0:28
Nothing To Fear - Shirley Walker
Nothing to Fear 0:43
Machine Gun / The Scarecrow Arrives 1:42
The Vault** / Sprinklers 3:22
Scarecrow's Hideout 0:22
Scarecrow's Backstory 0:35
Batman's Flashback / Batman and Alfred 0:46
Scarecrow Invades the Museum /
Scarecrow's Attempt at Escape** 2:13
Dirigible Flight / Fear Strikes Again / Escape and Explosion 3:22
Scarecrow Discovered / Scarecrow is Captured /
Scarecrow on a Skewer 1:54
Heart Of Ice - Todd Hayen, Shirley Walker
Heart of Ice 0:38
The Iceman Cometh Again / Cold as Ice* 3:30
Top Secret 0:57
The Swift Hand of Vengeance 1:55
Ice Assault / Frigid Frenzy / Alfred's Cold Remedy 2:34
Arkham Asylum 0:59
Heart Of Ice - Bonus TrackS:
Newsbreak (Expanded) 0:44
Benefit Classic 1:15
Office Muzak 2:25
The Iceman Cometh Again (Alternate) 2:53
(Extended) (Danny Elfman) 0:46
Disc One Total Time: 73:54
BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES Main Title (Piano Version)(Danny Elfman and Shirley Walker) 1:03
Appointment In Crime Alley - Stuart Balcomb
Sub Main Title 0:31
Batman Drives to Crime Alley / Where Are We Going to Go? 2:23
I'm Not Afraid Here* 1:12
Searching for Leslie / Leslie's Held Captive 0:49
The Billboard 0:52
Baby Picture* 1:59
Chasing the Trolley / Trolley Rescue* 1:28
Batman Sees the Newstand Clock* / Leslie Sweats / Batman Swings During Speech 1:09
Good People in Crime Alley* 0:38
Mad As A Hatter - Harvey R. Cohen
Mad as a Hatter 1:00
Poor Jervis / Frabjous Day* 2:00
A Walk in the Park* 0:38
Ejection* / The Plunger* 1:15
The Mock Turtle Song 0:34
Until Tomorrow* / Will You, Won't You* 1:03
All's Fair in Love and War* / Mad Hatter's Friends* /
Storybook Land* 3:04
Off With His Head* / The Maze* / Batman Comes to Tea* 4:15
Mad As A Hatter - Bonus Track:
Dining With Jervis 1:18
The Strange Secret Of Bruce Wayne - Lolita Ritmanis
The Strange Secret* / Batman Intervenes 2:21
Tragic Past* 1:23
The Strange Doctor / The Joker's Phone Message* / Strange Has Left the Building 0:58
The Diabolical Plan* 3:07
Bruce Makes Another Tape 0:45
Strange Tries to Run / Flying the Unfriendly Skies* /
Running on Empty* / Batman Makes the Catch / Robin is Revealed 3:00
I've Got Batman In My Basement - Shirley Walker, Carlos Rodriguez
The Heist 2:17
Sherman Tracks Vulture / Birdseed / Penguin Revealed 1:36
Batman Gets Gassed 2:11
Batmobile Goes Bats / Sherman and the Batmobile* (Carlos Rodriguez) 2:09
The Vulture Flies / It's a Matter of Life and Death 0:43
Vulture Attack / Penguin Pays a Visit 1:04
It's Them or Us / Polite Penguin 1:49
Penguin the Bully / Batman vs Penguin 2:20
Front Page Penguin 0:41
Feat Of Clay, Part I - Jeff Atmajian,
Shirley Walker, Carl Swander Johnson
Feat of Clay* (J. Atmajian) 1:09
Mr. Fox's Resignation (S. Walker) 3:32
Matt's Make-Up (S. Walker) 1:31
Matt Finds the Formula (C. S. Johnson) 0:35
Creation of Clayface (J. Atmajian) 0:45
Bell Goes for a Ride*/** (C. S. Johnson) 1:56
Bruce Looks for Answers (J. Atmajian) 0:49
Teddy Discovers Clayface (S. Walker) 0:43
Feat Of Clay, Part Ii - Shirley Walker
Sub Main Title 0:36
Arrival at Imperial Pictures 0:19
Man of Many Faces 2:11
Suffocation for Fox / Foiled by Batman 1:08
Batman Confronts Clayface / The Matt Hagen Films 3:09
Batman Confrontation With Clayface / Clayface Dies 4:48
The Morgue 0:50
(Alternate Beginning) (Danny Elfman) 0:48
Disc Two Total Time: 78:24
(MIDI Version)(Danny Elfman and Shirley Walker) 1:04
Almost Got 'Im - Stuart Balcomb
Almost Got 'Im 1:24
Pumpkin Patch* / Batman's Scorn* 1:11
A Bad Penny* 1:12
Penguin's Setup* / Birds of a Feather* 2:42
Laugh O Meter / Catwoman to the Rescue* / Catwoman KO'd 1:10
Shadow Secrets* / Cat Food for Thought* / Maybe Some Day 2:08
Almost Got 'Im - Bonus Tracks:
Club Source #2 0:59
Club Source #4 0:57
Joker Talk Show Source* (Extended) 0:49
Joker Bumper* 0:15
Just for Laughs 1:40
If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich? - Carlos Rodriguez
If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich?*/ Silent Radio 0:45
The Wasteland*/ Rescue Attempt* / Riddler Escapes* 4:18
Minotaur's Myth* / The Griffin /Griffin Fight / Hand of Fate 3:05
Hijacked Hand* / The Minotaur / Destroy Them / Deadbolts* 3:06
If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich? -
Bonus Tracks:
If You're So Smart Source (Shirley Walker) 2:11
Riddle of the Minotaur Source 0:13
Griffin Theme 0:09
Question Mark Motif 0:08
Hand of Fate Motif 0:09
Wasteland Motif 0:07
Musical Puzzle 0:12
The Demon's Quest, Part I - Michael Mccuistion
The Demon's Quest* 1:47
Sad News / Strike One 1:06
Calcutta / Alley Fight* 1:48
Black Cat / Sweet Dreams, Kitty* 2:03
After You 0:33
Power Trooper* / The Demon's Guard / They Call Him Ra's* 2:45
Strike Three - You're Out 0:44
The Lazarus Pit* / Revitalized Demon* 2:04
The Demon's Quest, Part Ii - Harvey R. Cohen
Recap* 0:52
The Demon's Quest, Part II* 1:26
Parted Lovers / Goodbye Beloved* 1:29
Orpheus / Lets Do It* / Caravan* 1:47
Pay for This Trespass 1:13
Lower the Bombs / Crazy / To the Tower 1:10
To Remember Me, Beloved* / Countdown* 1:44
He'll Ruin Everything* 3:35
Prisoner of Love* 0:57
The Laughing Fish - Shirley Walker
The Laughing Fish / Joker's Insane Scheme 3:15
Friendly Fish Truck / Missile Fish / Francis Gets Happy
(Extended) / I Know You're Watching 1:13
Jackson's Cat 0:57
Oceanside Aquarium / Sharkey's Appetite 2:13
Catch of the Day / How Do You Spell Relief? 1:57
Batman Rides the Shark / Jumping Joker Sees Jaws / Is the Joker Gone? 3:30
The Laughing Fish - Bonus Tracks:
"Joker's Fish Song" (Features "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" Arranged by Nerida Tyson-Chew) 1:03
Joker's Door Chime #1 0:11
Joker's Door Chime #2 0:12
(Alternate Ending) (Danny Elfman) 0:44
Disc Three Total Time: 72:12
BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES Main Title (with Sound Effects) (Danny Elfman) 1:04
Shadow of the Bat, Part I - Shirley Walker
Shadow of the Bat / Thorne on the Roof 2:01
Gordon's Arrest 1:02
We'll See About This / The Evidence Room 1:07
Two-Face's Hideout / The Batgirl / Batgirl Takes Action / Batgirl Gets Trashed 2:37
Bad Company / A Different Disguise / Matches Malone 3:56
Shadow of the Bat, Part II - Harvey R. Cohen
Recap* 1:19
Shadow of the Bat, Part II / Casing Gil's Apartment* 1:21
Robin and Batgirl Follow* / Matches Gives the Signal / Bad Guys Escape 2:58
Water in the Tunnel / Water, Water Everywhere* / Saving Robin / Batgirl up the Rope* 1:47
Blasted out of Jail / Batgirl Finds Out 1:00
Subway Escape* 1:44
Rescue of the Commish* / Batgirl's a Real Drag / Batgirl Sees the Statue* 3:16
Welcome to Gotham 0:32
Shadow of the Bat - Bonus Tracks:
Recap (Alternate) 1:20
Matches Gives the Signal (No Bass) / Bad Guys Escape
(No Bass) 1:41
Harley And Ivy - Peter Davison, Michael Mccuistion, Lolita Ritmanis, Shirley Walker
Harley and Ivy* (M. McCuistion, L. Ritmanis) 2:57
Harley is On Her Own (S. Walker, L. Ritmanis) /
The Girls Escape (S. Walker) 3:18
Toxic Dump (P. Davison) / Crime Spree (S. Walker) 1:10
Batman Finds a Clue* (P. Davison) / Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down (S. Walker) / Locked in Chains (P. Davison) / Batman Escapes Bondage* (P. Davison) 1:43
The Joker's Flower (S. Walker, L. Ritmanis) / Batman Rescues Mr. J* (M. McCuistion) / No More Women (S. Walker) 2:04
Read My Lips - Shirley Walker
Read My Lips / Scarface's Boys 2:14
What a Dummy 1:17
Drapes for the Bat / Lumber Slumber / No Apples 2:50
A Prima Notion 1:14
Platinum Vault / Hang in There 1:24
Dummy Up / Here We Go Again 3:24
Fire From Olympus - Shirley Walker
Fire From Olympus 2:17
Max on High 1:16
Lightning Demonstration 0:39
Sneaking Batman In / Fire in the Sky 2:39
Batman Enters Olympus / Snake Fight 1:51
Olympus Battle 4:59
(Alternate Beginning and Ending) 0:43
Disc Four Total Time: 66:44
Total Album Time: 291:14
*Theme by Shirley Walker **Theme by Danny Elfman
- Format
- CD