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Music composed by Michael Kamen

Intrada - Limited edition



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Expanded 2-CD reissue of gritty Michael Kamen action score! MGM presents, Nicholas Meyer directs, Ken Adam creates production design, Gene Hackman, Mikhail Baryshnikov star in spy thriller set in Germany, then France. CIA agent and aging spy Gene Hackman is key man in swap of Soviet agent Mikail Baryshnikov for American pilot deep within underground Berlin subway tunnel. A double-cross happens, bullets fly, a lengthy pursuit results. Director Meyer keeps pace frenzied, glides between intense action, dazed antics of two spies-become-buddies attempting to survive it all. Composer Michael Kamen dives into the fray from the outset with staccato trombone action motif that remains propulsive anchor to score throughout. No matter how deep into suspense Kamen delves nor how restrained he tackles the suspense, his low brass action motif stays close at hand. Trumpets, French horns keep everything at peak excitement. Kamen gives appropriate color to score by adding balalaika to orchestra. Tenor sax gets something to say as well. But it’s edged orchestral action music that typically takes the spotlight. 1991 film began production as Dinosaurs before finishing as Company Business. Intrada premiered score at time of film’s opening with meticulously-assembled album fashioned by Kamen and his engineer Steve McLaughlin to feature lengthy tracks edited together for solid listening experience, musically satisfying rather than chronological. That unique presentation is preserved on CD 1. With the generous help of Michael Kamen’s Estate, an additional ten minutes of previously unreleased music was located and appears here for the first time on CD 2, which now offers score in chronological film sequence. Informative notes by John Takis plus new artwork complete cool package! Recorded in Germany. Michael Kamen composes, orchestrates, conducts Rundfunkorchester Berlin, Rundfunkchor Berlin. Intrada Special Collection 2-CD set available while quantities and interest remain!

1. Journey To Alexanderplatz (10:55)
2. Faisal’s Escape (14:51)
3. Natasha (1:28)
4. Café Jatte (5:11)
5. Eiffel Tower (7:27)
6. The Island (4:09)
CD 1 Total Time: 44:15

1. Main Title (3:14)
2. Dulles Airport (1:41)
3. Journey To Alexanderplatz (3:54)
4. The Swap (4:53)
5. Wahringstrasse (3:18)
6. Closing Up Berlin Montage (1:44)
7. Horst (4:08)
8. Faisal’s Escape (4:04)
9. Grigori (3:01)
10. Sam & Grushenko Meet Natasha (1:28)
11. Natasha Is Followed (2:02)
12. Natasha Returns To Her Office (1:41)
13. Café Jatte Source/Natasha Is Kidnapped (5:11)
14. Sam Is Chased (3:04)
15. Eiffel Tower (6:00)
16. The Island (End Credits) (4:08)
Total Score Time: 54:15

The Extras
17. The Swap (Alternate) (4:34)
18. Island Source – Intro (0:41)
Total Extras Time: 5:17
CD 2 Total Time: 59:42

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